Iconic Son of MLK, Dexter Scott King, Succumbs to Prostate Cancer at 62

Iconic Son of MLK, Dexter Scott King, Succumbs to Prostate Cancer at 62

Dexter Scott King, the younger son of the late civil rights icon Martin Luther King Jr., has passed away at the age of 62. His peaceful demise was confirmed by his wife, Leah Weber King, at their residence in Malibu.

As the youngest offspring of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King, Dexter Scott King actively carried forward his father’s enduring legacy. Bearing a striking resemblance to his iconic father, he was renowned for his unwavering commitment to advancing the work initiated by his esteemed parents.

Also Read: Honoring Martin Luther King Jr.: Reflecting on a Legacy of Civil Rights

Dexter Scott King
Dexter Scott King, Son of Martin Luther King Jr.

Cause of Passing

Dexter Scott King succumbed to prostate cancer, as confirmed by his wife, Leah Weber King, who stated that he peacefully passed away in his sleep at their Malibu home. In a released statement, Weber King remarked, “He gave it everything and battled this terrible disease until the end. As with all the challenges in his life, he faced this hurdle with bravery and might.”

A Life of Service

Beyond being the son of a civil rights luminary, Dexter Scott King emerged as a leader in his own right. A graduate of Morehouse College, King served as the chairman of The King Center and president of the King Estate. His tireless dedication to his father’s cause was evident in both his professional work and personal life.

His brother, Martin Luther King III, expressed profound sorrow over the loss, stating, “I am deeply saddened to share that my brother, Dexter Scott King, has passed away. The sudden shock is devastating. It is hard to have the right words at a moment like this. Please keep the entire King family in your prayers, and in particular Dexter’s wife, Leah Weber.”

A Revered Legacy

Dexter Scott King leaves behind a legacy marked by service and an unwavering commitment to the civil rights movement. His life stands as a testament to the enduring power of his father’s dream, and his passing serves as a reminder of the ongoing work that remains. In mourning his departure, we also celebrate his life and the significant contributions he made in furthering his father’s dream.

As we reflect on Dexter Scott King’s life, his father’s words echo, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” Dexter Scott King stood resilient in the face of challenges, and his legacy is poised to inspire generations to come.

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