Richter scale

Breaking: 7.5-Magnitude Earthquake Triggers Tsunami in Japan

On the unfortunate event of an earthquake that occurred today in Japan, it has been reported that the Noto region in Ishikawa prefecture was hit with a magnitude of 7.5, which triggered tsunami warnings along the coast.

Tsunami waves, Japan
Tsunami waves. Google

Also read: Unlocking Nature’s Alarm: How Animals Sense Earthquakes

According to reports, Toyama city in Toyama Prefecture has already been hit by the first waves of the tsunami with videos circulating on social media showing the waves reaching a height of 1.2 meters in Ishikawa prefecture. The US Geological Survey has recorded several quakes in the Noto region, including a 7.6-magnitude quake which marked the epicenter of the crisis. In light of the situation, the Japan Meteorological Agency has strongly advised people in the local area to remain vigilant since there is a potential of strong tremors.

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