In a shocking incident on January 28, 2024, the renowned Mona Lisa, housed in Paris’s Louvre Museum, became the target of an unconventional protest. Two environmental activists, associated with the group ‘Riposte Alimentaire,’ threw soup at the iconic painting, leaving visitors in disbelief.
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Activists’ Message
Members of ‘Riposte Alimentaire’ claimed their actions were a plea for “healthy and sustainable food.” By choosing the globally celebrated Mona Lisa, they sought maximum visibility for their cause, emphasizing the urgency of their environmental message.
The Soup Attack on Mona Lisa
In broad daylight, the activists tossed yellow soup at the painting, protected by a glass case. Climbing under the barrier, they stood beside the splattered artwork, hands raised in a symbolic salute. One activist revealed a slogan-bearing T-shirt, amplifying their environmental message.
Preserving the Masterpiece
Despite the commotion, the Mona Lisa emerged unscathed, thanks to the robust glass casing shielding it from the soup. Louvre staff swiftly surrounded the painting with black cloth screens, preventing further disturbance from onlookers or protesters.
Official Reaction
The Louvre Museum plans to file a complaint against the environmental activists. Concerns are raised about how the protesters successfully infiltrated the museum with soup, given the stringent bag checks in place. The incident raises questions about the security measures in prestigious art institutions.
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